Mosley M., Spencer M.

Fast diet 5:2

AuthorMosley M., Spencer M.
SeriesFast diet 5:2
Publication date2013
Dimensions60x90/16 (145x215 мм)
Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Tax rate7%
Created at22.11.2013


Fast Diet 5:2 – a revolutionary new method of weight loss that has managed to conquer the whole world! With its help many people not only lost weight, but have significantly improved their health. After all doctors have long proven benefit fasting days. The main thing is to adhere to certain restrictions only 2 days a week, and soon you will notice how the figures on the scales are reduced, and you feel better and better.
On this book worked Michael Mosley and Mimi Spencer, nutritionist and journalist, a man and a woman. Due to this, the described method takes into account the characteristics of the body of both sexes. In addition, its effectiveness is scientifically proven and confirmed by the experience of many followers in both the U.S. and Europe.
The book presents recipes for delicious dishes that will help you to follow the Fast Diet 5:2, not depleting your diet, and therefore faster closer to his goal. And this is not only a slim toned body, but also improve health, normalization of cholesterol and blood sugar, strengthen the immune system.
After reading this book, you will understand that Fast Diet 5:2 is the ideal option for you!