30x40 cm, wooden, double embossing

Products: 18

Ikone Strastnaja, 30 x 40 cm, Holz, Doppelprägung

SKU: 00-118-031_54

Fragile: No

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Ikone Strastnaja, 30 x 40 cm, Holz, Doppelprägung

Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at05.01.2021


Die Ikone der Heiligen Mutter Gottes ist bei den Gläubigen für ihre wundersamen Wirkungen bekannt. Das aufrichtige Gebet vor der Ikone hilft, in Tagen der Krankheit, der emotionalen Überforderung und in Stresssituationen das notwendige seelische Gleichgewicht zu finden. Sie können vor dem Bild für sich selbst und Ihre Lieben beten. Mütter, die um ihre in Not geratenen Kinder trauerten, erhielten Hilfe und Trost.

Ikone Orthodoxer Bischof Luka, 30 x 40 cm, Holz, Doppelprägung

SKU: 00-121-031_47

Fragile: No

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Ikone Orthodoxer Bischof Luka, 30 x 40 cm, Holz, Doppelprägung

Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at21.02.2013


Der heilige Lukas von der Krim und Simferopol ist der Schutzpatron aller medizinischen Wissenschaften und anderer damit verbundener Naturwissenschaften, vor allem der Chirurgie. Das Gebet vor der Ikone des Heiligen Lukas von der Krim und Simferopol hilft dem Arzt vor einer komplizierten Operation und auch dem Patienten, der operiert wird. Das Gebet vor der Ikone des Heiligen schützt den Menschen vor verschiedenen Ereignissen und Phänomenen des menschlichen Lebens.

The icon "quick to hearken" 33x40 cm, wooden, double embossing

SKU: 00-112-031_46

Fragile: No

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

The icon "quick to hearken" 33x40 cm, wooden, double embossing

Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at07.12.2012


In the first place before the icon of the Mother of God "quick to hearken" pray for spiritual enlightenment, when man is at a loss to know what to do, and in all cases, especially when you need quick and effective help in Her prayer to the Son. The mother of God through her icon "quick to hearken" grant to aid in the cure of various diseases, even cancer. Before the Holy image, offer a prayer for the children and assistance in childbirth – the birth of a healthy child.

Ikone Mlekopitatelnica, 30 x 40 cm, Holz, Doppelprägung

SKU: 00-128-031_45

Fragile: No

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Ikone Mlekopitatelnica, 30 x 40 cm, Holz, Doppelprägung

Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at07.12.2012


Vor der Ikone der Heiligen Jungfrau Maria "Säuglingsträgerin" betet man für schwierige Geburten, für die Ernährung des Babys mit Muttermilch, für den Mangel an Muttermilch sowie für die Gesundheit des Babys.

Icon Vladimirskaya 30x40 cm,wooden,double embossing

SKU: 00-117-031_24

Fragile: No

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Icon Vladimirskaya 30x40 cm,wooden,double embossing

Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at05.10.2011


"The VLADIMIR MOTHER of GOD" - written by the Evangelist Luke. The icon is considered to be one of the most venerated images of the virgin Mary in Russia. Before the icon was crowned the kings and elected Primate. Before her I pray for the humility warring, the softening of evil hearts, a healing of bodily infirmities and mental, and also about the healing of the demoniac.

Icon "Iver" 30x40 cm,wooden,double embossing

SKU: 00-115-031_3

Fragile: No

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Icon "Iver" 30x40 cm,wooden,double embossing

Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at05.10.2011


"IVERON MOTHER of GOD" - the Keeper of the hearth. She is the patroness of all women, their helper and intercessor before the Lord. The icon, which removed "the crown of celibacy" as with men and with women. Before the icon also pray for healing of physical and mental ailments, consoled in affliction.

Icon "Jerusalem" 30x40 cm,wooden,double embossing

SKU: 00-119-031_29

Fragile: No

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Icon "Jerusalem" 30x40 cm,wooden,double embossing

Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at05.10.2011


The Jerusalem icon of the Mother of God – the image of the virgin, before which they pray in cases where events occur that got us into despair, sorrow. The icon is considered to be healing. Aware of many cases get rid of various diseases, especially prayer before the Jerusalem way helps with diseases of the eyes, including blindness, from paralysis. Before Jerusalem way asking for protection from natural disasters, especially fires from enemy attack on the state, in particular, the prayer before it will protect against attempts to attack Your house, property.

Icon "Softener of evil hearts" 30x40 cm,wooden,double embossing

SKU: 00-136-031_6

Fragile: No

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Icon "Softener of evil hearts" 30x40 cm,wooden,double embossing

Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at05.10.2011


Weert in God, and He will always be with you.

The icon "joy and Consolation" 30x40 cm,wooden,double embossing

SKU: 00-126-031_19

Fragile: No

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

The icon "joy and Consolation" 30x40 cm,wooden,double embossing

Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at05.10.2011


The icon of the Mother of God "joy" or "Consolation" has a specific origin – it is only partly man-made. Written in memory of the miraculous salvation through the intercession of our lady of Prince Arkady and changed shape according to the Highest will is one of the most revered. Prayer before the icon will help in the healing of diseases, protection from disasters associated with natural disasters, epidemics. In the section "In any temples is the icon named churches and monasteries where we can pay tribute to this amazing image.

The icon of the "seven arrows" red 30x40 cm,wooden,double embossing

SKU: 00-133-031_26

Fragile: No

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

The icon of the "seven arrows" red 30x40 cm,wooden,double embossing

Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at05.10.2011


"Seven arrows" is a powerful icon in the protection of the house and any room, as well as the person on whom it is from evil and envious people from the evil eye, damage and curses. Reconciles warring, brings peace, harmony, it will also handle important things. At home she is in front of the door to see eye incoming. Before installing the icons need to read a prayer, and later to see if anyone will stop coming to your house.

Icon "it is truly meet", 30x40 cm,wooden,double embossing

SKU: 00-120-032

Fragile: No

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Icon "it is truly meet", 30x40 cm,wooden,double embossing

Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at05.10.2011


Before the image of the Mother of God "it is truly meet" ("merciful") specifically pray for the forgiveness of sins, including mortals.

Icon "Holy Trinity" 30x40 cm,wooden,double embossing

SKU: 00-135-031_8

Fragile: No

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Icon "Holy Trinity" 30x40 cm,wooden,double embossing

Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at05.10.2011


"The HOLY TRINITY" - was painted by Andrei Rublev. The character "Trinity" is God the Father, God the son, God the Holy Spirit. Or - wisdom, intelligence, love. One of the three major icons that should be in every home. Before the icon pray for the forgiveness of sins. It is considered to be confessional.

The icon "St. Nicholas" 30x40 cm,wooden,double embossing

SKU: 00-124-031_12

Fragile: No

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

The icon "St. Nicholas" 30x40 cm,wooden,double embossing

Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at05.10.2011


"SAINT NICHOLAS the WONDERWORKER" - a favourite Saint of the Russian people. It protects from poverty and want: when the icon is in the house, he sees to it that the house was prosperity, protects from want of anything. In addition, he is the patron of all travelers, drivers, seamen, pilots and people on the road and revere Nicholas. The relics of St. Nicholas are in Italy.

Icon "Xenia of Petersburg" 33x40 cm, wooden, double embossing

SKU: 00-114-031_39

Fragile: No

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Icon "Xenia of Petersburg" 33x40 cm, wooden, double embossing

Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at05.10.2011


Xenia of Petersburg began to work miracles and help people, especially women, during his lifetime. After the death of the chapel over her grave in St. Petersburg became a place of pilgrimage for those who asked Xenia intercession and assistance. Through the prayer of blessed Xenia of the afflicted were healed, in families was thrown world, and need got good seats. She often appeared in visions: warned about the danger and saved from disaster. Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg pray about marriage, about health, about love, pregnancy, children, in a variety of heavy everyday circumstances.

Icon "Matron" 30x40 cm,wooden,double embossing

SKU: 00-131-031_9

Fragile: No

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Icon "Matron" 30x40 cm,wooden,double embossing

Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at05.10.2011


"BLESSED MATRONA" is a very strong Saint of modern times. Address her by any severe issue. It is our most "fast helper and intercessor, policlinica for us before the Lord. Power is in women's Pokrovsky monastery on Taganka, where every day comes countless people turn to her for help.

The icon of the Myrrh-bearing women" 30x40 cm,wooden,double embossing

SKU: 00-109-031_4

Fragile: No

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

The icon of the Myrrh-bearing women" 30x40 cm,wooden,double embossing

Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at05.10.2011


It is used by wizards when prayers and conspiracies about the reconciliation of enemies, divorced spouses, quarreling friends and companions. Without this icon is simply impossible to do.

Icon Vladimirskaya 30x40 cm,wooden,double embossing

SKU: 00-125-031_7

Fragile: No

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Icon Vladimirskaya 30x40 cm,wooden,double embossing

Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at05.10.2011


"The VLADIMIR MOTHER of GOD" - written by the Evangelist Luke. The icon is considered to be one of the most venerated images of the virgin Mary in Russia. Before the icon was crowned the kings and elected Primate. Before her I pray for the humility warring, the softening of evil hearts, a healing of bodily infirmities and mental, and also about the healing of the demoniac.

Icon "Fadeless color" 30x40 cm,wooden,double embossing

SKU: 00-111-031_52

Fragile: No

Qty in box: 1

Unit: pc

Icon "Fadeless color" 30x40 cm,wooden,double embossing

Qty in box1
Minimal order1
Created at07.03.2018


When referring to the icon of Theotokos "the Unfading blossom" pray for the preservation of a righteous life, resolution of family problems. Prayers to this icon help to avoid mistakes in the choice of spouses. The flower in the hands of the virgin maintains the integrity of the Mother of God and symbolizes neuvyadaemoy of virginity.